This summer has started off with me saying "a hui hou" to some very special people. Two of my best friends moved away from Maui - one went to Vegas + the other is on her way to Kentucky. Kentucky! Huh (roll eyes here)...just kidding, roomie! *:)
I could look at it as the summer of goodbyes because I also "lost" another very special someone before these two friends left...but after many hours of soul searching, I've realized that as with so many other things in life, it's all a matter of perspective.
The beautiful painting above by artist Jia Lu (zha loo) is entitled "Departures." One can imagine the woman gazing longingly after someone who has just left...or patiently waiting for someone to return! Goodbye, or hello...cup half empty, or half full? Painful experience, or valuable lesson learned?
I make a conscious decision to live positively every day, so although my heart aches + misses my friends, I choose to believe that ke Akua allowed their paths to cross mine (in each case, more than once) for excellent reasons. I feel extremely blessed to have known + loved these people + as Diana kept reminding everyone, I will not say goodbye or aloha...but a hui hou.